David Kelsen


  • It’s a shame

    Can’t figure out why people I know, love and respect aren’t doing their homework

    Suppose it’s an age trap thing

    We get older and frailer, accompanied by a tad more fear, i surmise, i assume..(i see my hands shaking a little more, but ignore. )

    i hear/see them espouse ideals RE: the ‘Good ole days’

    dude, dudettes..

    The good ole days weren’t necessarily that good.

    Yes, you were younger and may have been stronger (sneaky internal smiles about shit you did, saw, experienced).


    But at some point you got lazy.

    Latched on to the bits that appealed to you (whether they were true or not), because they made you feel better.

    Lost the fight to face the uncomfortable.

    It’s a shame


  • 2016 | Where Am I?

    appears I approach myself once a year.

    Male/USCitizen/Caucasian/Over54(#damn-didn’t-think-i’d-make-it-this-far)(didn’t really want to)(dad didn’t)

    really like my job (and the people that are a part of it)


    dad died (92), divorced (10), mom died (12)

    still spin

    in the room when dad passed

    tried cpr (didn’t work, it was cancer after all, silly me)

    watched mom take useless breaths over days, damn she fought

    we missed it by a few hours, she waited for us to leave before she left.

    still angry about the DIVORCE

    still angry

    still angry

    still angry

    still angry

    still angry

    probably could write that incessantly, maybe have, have

    miss my son.

    I have better kids than you. period.

    let me be clear..my kids are better than your kids. period.


    proud doesn’t begin…


    I’m sure your kids are great too. Sorry.

    (still not as talented, creative, intelligent as mine.)

    we can argue that over an 18 year-old Maccallen, I’ll buy.




  • Hello 2015

    Yeah, I know it’s a day late. Had to work today, plus my girlfriend was giving me shit..

    didn’t realize she was such a control freak until I started living with her…always the case right?

    Don’t get me wrong, she’s lovely..

    But there are times when she’s “General Becky”

    Doling out orders in a military tone, emotionally escalating to rage… 

    Not sure why, have some ideas, but she doesn’t want to talk to me about that.

    But then, we all have our own eccentricities, self-perceived failings and crosses to bear.

    The trick is owning them…

  • Goodbye 2014


    A lot happened … it just didn’t feel like much.

    No strong feelings either way.

    Glad to see it go, not glad…whatever.

    What I’d really like is to have a burger with my son.  That would make any ‘time’ special. To have a conversation, to see his smile, hear his laugh, listen to his opinions.





  • Steve Jobs and Flash

    I never met the man, so I can’t say with any authority why, but clearly Mr. Jobs was not a fan of Flash.

    Adobe Flash (the engine that brought us many very cool animation tools.)

    Maybe if Macromedia had not been gobbled up by Adobe, it would still be cool…maybe not.

    Paraphrasing – Flash heats up our cpu’s…..too much.

    That’s why iPhones, iPads don’t support Flash.



  • The Answer Is Yes, What Was The Question?

    Can we change the top menu to say Register/Login?


    Can we change the sidebar width to 300px?


    Can we have live Maine lobster for dinner tonight?


    It’s like my mom said..can’t means won’t, because there is very little that “can’t” be done.

    We are only limited by our imagination and determination.

  • Conniving Collections Agencies

    The Aim Is To Intimidate, Frighten And Cajole

    I don’t begrudge anyone a chance to make a living, and for the most part, don’t judge what line of work they choose. Using less-than-honest tactics to achieve an objective is not ideal, but it has worked, so it’s use continues.

    My brother calls me-

    Mike (my brother):

    Dave, we got a call from someone saying they’re looking for Lisa (my ex-wife) to serve a summons


    Mike, people who serve summons don’t call first (unless it’s a prearranged “friendly serve“).


    It sounds pretty serious.


    Mike, it’s a collections agency.


    Collections agencies routinely use fear and intimidation to try to collect and they bank on your ignorance.

    I call the number Mike gave me and a deep, male voice answers:


    Corporate Office


    Hey, somebody from this number called my sister-in-law about some kind of issue.


    What’s your name?


    David Kelsen, they called for Lisa Kelsen.


    Nobody from this number called.


    This was the number they gave her, so somebody called. I didn’t make it up.


    What’s it about?


    They said there was a summons.


    Oh right, there’s a process server in San Clemente trying to find Lisa. There’s a civil case against her and we need to serve papers before we go to court.


    Can you tell me what it’s about?


    Who’s Lisa to you?


    My ex-wife


    We can’t share that information, if you were still married I could tell you but…


    You said civil case right? Well that’s public information, you can share that with me or give me the case number.


    We don’t have a case number yet, the summons is for verification.

    Me (getting heated):

    You don’t get a summons without filing first and getting a case number, look, you’re talking to the wrong guy about this…this is some kind of collections issue, what’s the issue here? You guys are calling and pestering my family with phone calls about a non-existent summons..

    Voice (interrupting):

    Hey, don’t yell at me about how I do business, what do you want?


    I want you to stop calling my family.


    Then ask me to remove their numbers from the call list.


    This company tries to frighten friends and/or relatives by threatening that there is a summons and they infer that the person could get arrested unless they comply.

    Total BS.

    Red Flags

    1. When I call the toll-free number, the voice answers “Corporate Office”.

    It’s totally anonymous, no company id.

    2. “There’s a process server looking for…”

    Unless it’s a prearranged “friendly serve”, which typically means the attorneys in the case arrange for the serve, a process server will never call to alert the subject. Threatening to serve a summons is a scare tactic.

    3. “summons for verification”

    No such thing. Summons are not issued without a case being filed. period.

     Bottom Line

    There are two major points to keep in mind when dealing with collections agencies.

    1. You can’t trust anything they say
    2. They are heavily regulated

    If you tell them to stop calling, they are legally obligated to do so. If they don’t, they risk legal retribution or they are not legit. In either case, if they don’t leave you alone, contact the police.

     Look, we all have times in our lives when things don’t work out they way we planned or would have liked. Ultimately, you are responsible and accountable for your financial obligations. Sometimes things go to collections, it sucks, but it happens.

    It doesn’t mean you have to fall victim to their lies and intimidation.

    The best thing I can leave you with is to be informed. Do the research.

    The cliche is true:  KNOWLEDGE IS POWER





  • Celebrity Apprentice 3-17-13

    Beginning of the show, “The Donald” disses Arsenio Hall.

    Donald Trump, we all know he’s a pompous ass, you probably can’t reach the level of success he has without an enormous ego and clearly “The Donald” is not deficient in that department.

    Trump introduces Arsenio as a past winner, and says “He’s gone on to do great things”….


    As if Celebrity Apprentice launched Arsenio.?

    Presumptuous bastard.

    (obviously our perceptions are led by the edits and the direction we don’t see)


    As “Project Manager”, you’re the boss. What you say goes. You don’t have the power to fire your staff, but you can shut them up. Don’t raise your voice, don’t compete, because once you bring yourself down to Omarosa’s level, you lose.

    Are you listening LaToya?

    Omarosa = LaToya
    Courtesy of The Examiner


    Stephen Baldwin  is every bit as slimy as he looks.

    For him to so quickly blame Penn Gillette, while he insisted on controlling every word, movement and nuance, made me want to take a shower.  This all from a proposed “Christian”.

     Rock Stars, Peanuts and Bursting Blisters.

    The Last Thing

    Yes LaToya deserved to be fired. Not pulling Omarosa in to the board room was a major blow it.

    Trumps incessant verbalization of his love for Dennis was disturbing.  What are you trying to prove Donald?





  • 2013 – 2013

    Fresh (not really)

    But different, certainly

    Like to believe it’s fresh, whatever fresh is, what is fresh BTW?

    Let me find out what fresh is, and I’ll get back to you.

    Is that cool?

  • 2013

    Welcome my friend.

    Looking forward to meeting you.

    Certainly there will be twists, turns, roadblocks and thoroughfares.

    Heartbreak and elation

    But if you know me at all, which you don’t yet,

    There will surely be plenty of laughter.

    Can’t help it..I laugh at everything..

    My sick sense of humor keeps me (in)sane.

    I’d ask what you have in store for me, but it doesn’t matter.

    My plan is to kick your ass.

    Just sayin..

    Your brothers and sisters before you beat me up pretty good.

    Almost got me a couple times, but it’s my turn now.

    Hope you’re ready.

